May 8, 2020 - Pandemic Show Series #445
Another Weekly Dose of METAL!
Another Weekly Dose of METAL!
Another Quarantine edition of the show, now with more feet, but with the same awesome Metal!
Another Stuck at Home edition of The Metallic Onslaught...
Lots of Metal to go around...
Yet another pandemic edition of The Metallic Onslaught.
The Metallic Onslaught continues in it's Pandemic Shows, all together on Skype. Lots of Music, and we have to deal with that picture you see of Randy, which he claims is not him, but we all know it is... Besides that, plenty of awesome music...
We continue with our Pandemic shows, a slight bit different, but plenty of Metal and humor...
We continue with our Pandemic shows, a slight bit different, but plenty of Metal and humor...