November 7, 2014 - Randy and Ames

  • Published in 2014

On this night, we capitalized on Randy's obsession with Ames, the department store he worked at in the 90's. Azkath eventually hypnotized him to think he was STILL working at Ames. I'm sure that won't cause problems in the future. 

From Randy. "There's also been a bit of fascination with my time working at Ames. Josh is so obsessed with it that he was actually looking up old training videos on YouTube to help me relive some of my glory days. Okay, admittedly, working in the Ames electronics department is the best job I've ever had! Nothing beats New Release Day, I'm tellin' you! That sense of satisfaction when you open the box of new release music and movies, pretty much having first dibs on all of's a GREAT feeling!"


Carcass "Livestock Marketplace"
Kontrust "Bulldozer"
Soen "Tabula Rasa"

** Static X **
Push It
Bled for Days
Kill Your Idols
Shadow Zone
This is Not
I'm with Stupid
The Trance is the Motion

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