July 6, 2013 - Jayne Evil, Mercia and Order of the Dead
- Published in 2013
Listen to the Show
A Sound Of Thunder - Queen Of Hell
Karnivool - We Are
Powerwolf - Headless Cross
Stone Magnum - The Gallows Of Ohrdruf
Lord Dying - Water Under A Burning Bridge
Tear Out The Heart - Coffin Eyes
The Burial - Of Jasper And Carnelian
Tank - Retribution
Carnivore - Inner Conflict
Huntress - Running Wild
Carcass - Captive Bolt Pistol
Deeds Of Flesh - Hollow Human Husks
Blood Red Throne - Torturewhore
Autopsy - Coffin Crawlers
King Kobra - Running Wild
Mercia - The Necromancer
Order Of The Dead - What Humans Remain?
As They Burn - Frozen Vision
Havok - Under The Gun
Mercia - Exile In Ruin
Terror - The Most High
Spirits Of The Dead - Golden Sun
Jorn - Traveller
Goatess - Full Moon At Noon
Ire Clad - Blindside
Gorguts - Forgotten Arrows
Butcher Babies - Grim Sleeper
The Things They Carry - A Million Different Places
Satan - Personal Demons
Kalmah - Pikemaster
Scorpion Child - Liquor
Orphaned Land - Our Own Messiah
Beyond Creation - Social Disability
Amon Amarth - Father Of The Wolf
A Sound Of Thunder - Trashed
Moon Curse - Brontis
Extol - Ministers
Brutus - Crystal Parrot
High On Fire - 10,000 Years
Continents - Regrets
Queensryche - Spore
Into The Flood - By Way Of The Snake
Venomous Maximus - Path Of Doom
Lonewolf - Raise The Flag
Snow White's Poison Bite - Count Dracula Kid!
Angel Dust - To Dust You Will Decay
Recap by The Metal Wulf
Started the evening out getting Hell from Joe. Seems that he was serious about me posing as his body double for a certain birthday party, which he ended up missing because of a banana that he ate. Guess it didn't agree with him...
Hey, what can I say? I thought he was just joking around about that whole body double thing, I swear!
Anyhoo, to placate him, I went ahead and told him my plans regarding No Pants Day 2014. I assured him that he wouldn't have to show up, I'd take his spot, and that by doing so, there was no chance of me ruining the night by running around half-naked again, because I'd actually be HIM, and not me...
He seemed very intrigued by the whole idea, so we'll see how things develop.
Jane Evile joined us in the studio to promote her upcoming gig this Friday night at Women's Right 2 Rock 2014, held in Seneca Falls, right by the canal. Jane's band, A Taste Of Evil, will go on at 10:00 p.m., closing out the first night of the three-day event.
Speaking of Women's Right 2 Rock, Judas Priestess will return on Saturday night, hitting the stage at 9:00 p.m. We're hoping to get another chance to talk with some of the ladies before the show, so keep your eyes peeled for a YouTube interview.
We also had members of both Mercia and Order Of The Dead drop by. They were promoting Mercia's CD release party at the Water Street Music Hall in Rochester this Friday night.
Seriously, between the Onslaught, Women's Right 2 Rock, and the Mercia CD release... that's plenty of things to keep you occupied on a Friday night! If you're not enjoying one, you should take in one of the others, without a doubt!
The only other notable happening of the evening happened when Jeffie returned to get revenge on me for not saving him from floating down the canal in Joe's birthday cake...
Really? Revenge? ON ME? After what he and JustJoe did to me on No Pants Day? That shithead's lucky I didn't stuff him in a crate and toss him in the canal again...
Unfortunately, what DID happen wasn't nearly as cool as that. Instead, there was a very messy beatdown with styrofoam. Lots and lots of styrofoam...hard as hell to clean up, to be honest...